Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sorry I've been off the radar for a while. I haven't felt creative or witty or like I've had any cute mommy stories to share.

So is anyone else peeved about the bail-out? I was talking to another mom yesterday who said she had read an article that said that if the government, instead of passing the bail-out bill, had sent a check for $300k to every legal citizen over the age of 21, we would still have saved hundreds of billions of dollars. I was already mad about the whole thing, but putting it in those terms made me livid!!! Can you imagine how much more that would have helped the economy than bailing out a few corporate executives who made hugely horrific mistakes?? I'm not saying that that would have been the right way to handle the current economic situation, but it puts the amount of money we taxpayers just spent (thanks to the wisdom and foresight of those representing us in Washington) in a little perspective.

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